Request a Pickup

Get started with a clothing pickup.  We'll go through eveything and determine what meets our standards.  We'll catalog and release your inventory once it's ready.  Then, once it's sold, we'll pay you your percentage for everything we've sold.  Right now we can only offer clothing pickups in the Guelph area.

A Few Things Before We Come Get Your Stuff

  • Right now we can only pick up in the Guelph, Ontario area.
  • We can only sell clothes that are from smoke free homes.
  • Everything should be in near-mint condition, or better.
  • We are unlikely to sell items from discount brands, but more expensive items will be considered.
  • We will pick up all of your clothes, unless we deem it unsellable upon first inspection.
  • Whatever we feel we won't be able to sell, we will donate to charity, so please only leave out for us what you believe is sellable.

Whatcha got for us???

Please give us a brief description of brands, quantities, number of bags/items, etc.